Monday, October 26, 2009

Some other eco-tourism of Bangladesh

4. Modhupur National Park: In 1962 this park is established having total of 176 species of plants including 73 trees, 22 shrubs, 1 palm, 8 grasses, 27 climbers and 45 herbs. Besides, there are a number of exotic species planted in the national park area. This park is located in Tangail District under Tangail Forest Division and partly under Mymensing Forest Division. It is 125 km north of Dhaka. Earlier there was only one accessible path, which is road communication. Now train line is also established. Earlier this park was very rich in wild fauna like elephant, buffalo, tiger, leopard, peafowl etc. But now, fauna has been reduced day by day due to over pressure of land encroachment. Still this park having a unique biodiversity, local tribal communities say Garo communities with their cultural heritage and above all wilderness of the national park seems to be a very suitable destination of future eco-tourist. There is a provision of entry fees for visitors and these fees are 3 taka per person. Govt. of Bangladesh prescribes theses fees. Annually total visitors are 2.00 lakh approximately and revenue earns per year approximately 6.00 lakh from visitors.
5. Himchari National Park: In 1980 this national park is established under Cox’s Bazaar South Forest Division. Total 1729 hectare areas of land covered by this national park. It is 12 km south from Cox’s Bazaar Town. From Cox’s Bazaar this park is accessible by only one way and that is road. There Evergreen and semi-ever-green tropical forests are available in this park. There are 58 species of trees, 15 species of shrubs, 4 species grasses, 19 climbers and 21 species of herbs altogether 117 plant species are available there. Besides, there are 55 species of mammals, 56 species of reptiles and 13 species of amphibians are found in this evergreen forest. The main attraction of Himchari is waterfall. This is a unique place comprising the scenic beauty of green hills and blue waves of huge sea, which is the heaven of tourists. There is a big waterfall in the National Park, which is a major attraction to the tourists. There is a entry fees provision for visitors. Annual revenue comes approx. 10 lakh from visitos.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some Other Eco-Tourism exists in forest management

1. National Botanical Garden, Dhaka: In 1961 it is established at Mirpur area of Dhaka City. It covered total 84 hectares of land. This garden is for recreational facilities to the visitors, which stand near by the walking distance of national Zoo of Bangladesh. It has 57 sections, which has been managing by Bangladesh Forest Department under Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of Bangladesh. There is a combination of 56000 individual trees, herbs, and shrubs along with unique plants. Many exotic plants have been collected in the garden area for giving pleasure to it’s visitors who love nature. Scientific name of some exotic species which are available to the garden area is stated below: Anthurium (Anthurium crystallinum), Camphor (Cinamomum camphora), Rabbit Fern (Davallia canariensis), Dambia (Dombeya spectabilis), white 'Rangan' (Ixora superba), little Mussanda (Mussaenda luteola), Amazon Lily (Victoria amazonica), 'Harhjora' (Vitis quadrangularis), African Tulip (Spathodea campanulata), Sambucuas (Sambucus nigra), white 'Chandan' (Santalum album). Any interested visitor can visit the tissue culture laboratory, which is established for propagation of rare species with prior approval of authorities. There are other tissue cultures, which are adopted like, tissue culture of orchids and other rare species. Most of the excited sides of the garden are huge volume of rose garden in variety, which keeps the garden area gently, innocence. This rose garden attracts the Visitors by their beauty and also their colors. Other than rose garden, there are crossing lake, watch deck, artificial water fall, bridge over the lake and above all the thousands of migratory birds in winter are the main attractions of the National Botanical Garden. During the whole years visitors are available in the garden. Occupationally percentage of visitors increases during the annual festival like Eid (Idul Fitor and Idul Azha). In the winter season, peoples come from one corner to other of the country for visiting this garden. They do picnic for pleasure. Even foreign visitors frequently visit the garden area for refreshment or for learning nature.

2. National Zoo of Bangladesh: This Zoo is very adjacent to the national botanical garden. It is only walking distance from the garden. The whole area of Zoo is 92 hectare only. This zoo is a combination of 1400 wild animals and birds belonging to 124 species. The species are Lions, Royal Bengal Tigers, Panthers, Kangaroo, Tapir, Deer, Monkeys, Chimpanzees, Pythons, and Crocodiles, Elephants, Colorful Birds and other animals. Inside the zoo area there is a rich zoological museum, which displays stuffed animals and birds. During the whole season visitors come to see the wild life alive. Child visitors enjoy very much to watch the zoo. There are picnic facilities, which are available inside the zoo. Any one can get permission for that. But there is pre approval from the zoo authority. In the winter season peoples come to visit zoo as well as wild animals and also birds. There is an entering counter from where visitors can collect ticket to enter the zoo. Entry fees are 10 taka for each individual, which is approved by the govt. Bangladesh govt. is earning on an average 20 lakh taka from the zoo. There is a strong terms and condition for the visitors to enter the zoo and that is visitors can not feed wild animals by their own. There is another strong restriction for visitors is no one is permitted to enter the boundary or fencing over the safety question of both visitors and wild animals.

3. Bhawal National Park: This Park is situated in the high way of Dhaka-Mymensing Road. It is 40 km away from The Dhaka City. Total area of the Park covered 5022 hectares of land. This park is established in 1974 and Forest Department has been managing this park since long. It is the place that offers serenity from the bustle of the city for the city dwellers. The major vegetation of this reserved forest is Sal (shorea robusta) mostly of coppice origin. It harbours 220 plant species of which 43 are trees, 19 shrubs, 3 palms, 27 grasses, 24 climbers and 104 herbs. A number of 64 faunal species including 13 mammals, 9 reptiles, 5 avis and 5 amphibians are found there. Forest Department has recently introduced some wildlife e.g. peacock, deer, python, fishing cat etc. The proximity of the National park from the capital city makes the park as a promising one to be developed as eco-destination with developed amenities and recreation facilities. In the winter season, this park is always full of visitors. Visitors come here for annual picnic. There are different types of rest houses, cottage facilities, are available in the park. From early morning upto day light time visitors are allowed to stay inside the park. For getting rest houses, cottage and picnic spots, facilities there need to get approval from divisional office of Dhaka under Forest Department. Demand of picnic spot is very high; as a result, if any visitor wants to get it, he needs to submit a requisition before two or three months before for Getting approval. Annually total visitors per year are approximately 15 lakh and total revenue collection from visitors is approximately 45lakh taka. There is a provision for ticket for entering the park and that is 3.00 taka per person.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Year-wise revenue earning at Eco-Park

There is an approved circular from Bangladesh Govt. for collecting revenue from the visitors. This eco-park is open for all with payment for viewing the natural beauty of the Park. The Izarader who is nominated through the year wise open tender process collects this revenue. There is an official agreement with him. As per agreement, the Izarader is allowed to collect money from visitors and then he has to submit revenue to govt. through the installment process as per agreement. Govt. approved circular for visitors entering the park area is as follows:

1. For Adult Person entering fees: 10 Taka (above 15 years) (Per Person)
2. For Students (schools under 15 years) entering fees: 5 Taka (Per Person)
3. Study Tours Group (30-100) entering fees: 100 Taka
4. Study Tours Group (100 and above) entering fees: 200 Taka
5. Foreign Visitors entering fees: 5 US$

Govt. approved circular for Vehicles Parking fees are as follows:
1. For Bus parking fees: 150 Taka (per individual bus)
2. For Car/Jeep/Micro-bus parking fees: 100 Taka (per individual vehicle)
3. For Taxi/Tempu parking fees: 50 Taka (per individual vehicle)
4. For Motor cycle entering fees: 30 Taka (per individual vehicle)

Month and Fiscal year wise revenue collection which are stated in the following graph (Fig-2).

From 2002-03 to 2008-09 revenue collection is given for clerar understanding. In the graph it is ovserved that total revenue is 63,12,325 taka which is collected during the 8 fiscal years. The highest revenue collection is done in the month of January and that is 9,37,740 taka. On the other hand, second highest is in the month of June. So from the graphical representation it is clearly unstood that January is the pick time to visit this park. During the whole years visitors come to watch the natural secenerio of the Park. Comparatively percentage of visitors increases in the month from December to March in the whole year.


If we compare year wise revenue collection of the the Eco-Park, then 2008-09 fiscal year is the highest for earning revenue. Because of that in the Eco-Park, develppment activities are undertaken through the support of GOB projects. At the very begining, some structural works had been done for making the park lucreative to the visitors. As a result number of visitors are less in the begining fiscal years. But in coming fiscal years number of visitors will increase remarkably and then revenue will collect more and more.

Visitor’s Statistics

If we see some statistics of visitors who visited the Eco-Park during the past fiscal years, then it would be clear to all. In the fig-1 it is stated below.


During the four fiscal years number of visitors are highest in 2003-04 compare with other.

Management activities of Eco-Park

In every Govt. office of Bangladesh, there are two heads. One is Revenue head and another is Development head. Under Revenue head, regular activities are done through the support of revenue budget. Like manpower’s establishment is done under revenue head, which is the major activities. On the other hand development head runs through the support of development projects. Development projects run through either GOB or Donar’s support. After establishment of Eco-Park, there have been implemented two development projects. 1st phase of development project whose estimated cost was 357.60 lakh taka and it had already been completed during 2003-04 fiscal year. It was taken as development project for five years. Under this project there had been done different kinds of plantation works, infrastructure development works that were the major activities. After completion of 1st phase govt. realized the inclusion of 2nd phase project. Then the 2nd phase project has been running through the support of 446.00 lakh taka by GOB for next five fiscal years. Now this project is in the last fiscal year, which is going to be completed by june/2010. Major Project Activities of the 2nd phase are almost same to 1st phase. Additional activities like land acquisition works, establishment of Nazrul Vaskagja was added. Major activities, which has done during the project period of 2nd phase, which are stated below:

1. Block Plantation-100 hectare

2. Bamboo Plantation-6 hectare

3. Cane Plantation-1 hectare

4. Ornamental plantation and flowering-5000 nos.

5. Ornamental live hedge with herb and shrub plantation-3km

6. Rare species of Orchid/Cactus collection, preservation and maintenance

7. Hardwood Species plantation-100 hectare

8. Food and fodder plantation for birds and animals-20 hectare

9. Food and fodder plantation for birds and animals-20 hectare

10. Medicinal plan plantation-2000 nos.

11. Seasonal flower and Ornamental plantation around water fall and boundary line-2000 nos.

12. Planting, preparation and maintenance of Topier-1500 nos.

13. Construction of cross dam-3 nos.

14. RCC bench construction-10 nos.

15. Public toilet construction-6 nos.

16. Permanent sign board and sign post-20 nos.

17. Construction of foottrial-5000rmt

18. Vashkarja construction of poet Kaji Nazrul Islam-1no

19. Watch tower construction-1no

20. Construction of cactus house-1 no

21. Orchid house development- 1 no

22. Green house development- 1 no

23. Plant name plate-5000nos.

24. Central Nursery establishment-1 no

Friday, October 9, 2009

Manpower management of Eco-Park

Manpower management of Eco-Park: According to existing Organogram of Bangladesh Forest Department, the provision of manpower under revenue head of Shitakundu Eco-Park, Ctg is 45 in different categories which is stated in the following.

1 Director/Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF)(1post):He/She is overall responsible for the mgt. of park.
2 Botanist/Research Officer(1post):He/She is responsible for monitoring, budgeting and evaluation of mgt. activities.
3 Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF)(1post):He/She is held responsible for park mgt specially related with conservation of forests.
4 Accountant(1post):He/She is responsible for the accounts of this division.
5 Range Officer (2posts):He is responsible for the implementation of year wise activities.
6 Office assistant (3posts):He/She is associated with general correspondences of office mgt.
7 Forester (3 posts):He is always attached with Range officer in field office
8 Forest Guard ( 3 posts):He is responsible for security of forests.
9 Plantation Mali (25posts):He is responsible for nursery development.
10 Night Guard (1post): At night he is held responsible for the security of the park area.
11 MLSS (2posts):He/She is the runner of general correspondence.
12 Sweeper (1 post):He/She is responsible for clean both office and field areas.
13 Driver (1 post): He is responsible for vehicle driving.

On the other hand in the development sector, total manpower of existing 2nd phase project is stated in the following.
1 Forest Guard ( 7 posts):He is responsible for security of forests.
2 Driver (1 post):He is responsible for vehicle driving.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eco-Park - My Love, Pride of Bangladesh

I like such kind of Eco-Park where flora and fauna are available. Shitakundu Eco-Park of Bangladesh, which is the first eco-park of the country. The term eco means mixing and the park is the place where living and non-living elements live together without any kind of disturbance to each other. Peoples have been living since long within the surrounding of the park. Also birds, animals, insects have been living together in the same forest areas. Visitors are visiting park by daylong program. They are watching natural view of the park. If any one comes to the park for the first time, then second time he or she will think to come again and again. In the winter season, number of visitors increases compare with other seasons. This eco-park is not only for watching natural view but also helpful for conducting any kind of research work on it. Those who are willingly interested to do research on eco-park and nature, then with the official pre-permission he or she can conduct any kind of research relevant with the subject. During the whole years, visitors, researchers, study tour groups from various institutions (school up to university) from different corner of the country, even from foreign countries researchers come for doing their research work. I have been associated with Eco-Park management since last 4 years. Before coming park management, I had no idea, on it. But after sharing experience on eco-park, I love it very much. Frequently I visit Eco-park for the management purpose. Location of this eco-park is 35 km away from Chittagong. It is situated in the northern side of Dhaka-Chittagong highway. Main office management of this Eco-Park is in Chittagong town, forest hill, Nanadonkanon, Bangladesh and field office is in the Shitakudu park area. Two 1st one Officers, Two 2nd class Officers and 39 supporting stuffs in different categories are involved with entire eco-park management activities. Activities are allocated in two major heads. One is the Capital head and another is development head. Those who are working in the capital head, they so called normal stuffs. They have the retirement facilities. On the other hand, development stuffs do not have any retirement facilities. They do works on fixed term basis for the particular project period. Normal stuffs do works on project on deputation. In case of development projects, there is a project proforma (PP) where project activities are assigned. There is a particular project period, in which activities should be done. After establishing this park, 2 phases of development projects had been implemented. 1st phase project is already done, 2nd phase project has been running and going to be finished within the short. After that 3rd phase project will come for the betterment and also beautification of this park. Up to 2nd phase, there has been done some infrastructure development like FG barrack, administrative building, rest house, Quarters for range officers and foresters, display or exhibition map, picnic corner, public toilets, signboard, sign pillars, benches for taking rest and view the natural beauty, Observation tour, Check dam, Cactus house, Orchid house, green house etc. For electrification there made electric wearing in the whole park for security purpose and also water supply for drinking water and for other uses. There has been planted different kinds of plantation species in different corner of the hill, one nursery and one rose garden is available, which are very lucrative to look. Some ornamental plantation is done in the roadside and also in the front side of the park. Seasonal flowering bears beauty to the park. In the main gate, there is a provision of contractor/igaradar who enroll the park on year basis through open tender methods. There is a ticketing system for entering the park and this is only for visitors.
Any institution that wants to visit the park, they need to prayer for booking the place. At least 7 days before, application should come to the Director office in the address of forest hill, nandonkanon, chittagong through either mail or physical movement. After approval of Director one copy of that will come to field office. Then field offices will executive that. In the 3rd phase, I made projection on it roughly on the basis of of my past experiences on it. There should be made at least four observation towers for the security of this park. For patrolling the park area, there needs whole boundary wall. Partial boundary wall is made through the support of 1st and 2nd phase project, which is located, in front side of the park. In the lower slope of the park, there is big channel or khal, which is over flowed with water during the rainy season, but in the dry season, water goes out from that channel or khal. It needs to dragging. If we can store water in the whole years, then visitors can ride boat in the channel or khal and they can watch the nature from very near. There should be made a provision of engine boats, which are used for recreation or tour. Bangladesh Govt. will earn more revenue from it. In the long run, the park will be very popular to the visitors, in the world, who love nature, who love natural creation and also god.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eco-Park at a glance

The Botanical Garden and Eco-Park, Sitakunda is situated in the historical Chandranath Reserve Forest at Sitakunda Upazilla under the district of Chittagong. This reserve is famous for its natural beauty and rich bio-diversity. Due to tremendous pressure from the fastest growing population that reserve was losing its wilderness and wealth very rapidly in the near past. In that circumstances, Bangladesh Forest Department decided to protect it and constitute it as a protected area named as Botanical Garden and Eco-Park and accordingly this Eco-Park was established in 1999. This is the first Eco-Park in Bangladesh. People can enjoy nature in eco-friendly environment here.

Objectives of establishing Botanical Garden & Eco-Park:
The Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-Park is established with the following objectives-

1 To preserve and enrich the genetic pool of various indigenous and exotic species through intensive management.
2 To raise plantation of different kinds of Bamboo species, canes, herbs and medicinal plants.
3 To collect and plant Valuable, rare and endangered species.
4 To conserve bio-diversity and improve wildlife habitat.
5 To promote eco-tourism through eco-friendly infrastructure and facilities for tourists.
6 To develop facilities for education and research for students, teachers and researchers.

Area of Botanical Garden and Eco-Park:
The total area of Botanical Garden and Eco-Park is approximately 1996 acres. Out of that Botanical Garden is 1000 acres and the rest 996 acres is for Eco-Park. Recently additional 1.5 acre of land is acquired.

Botanical garden and Eco-Park is situated in a hilly area. This area consists of low, medium and high hills. These Hills are aligned north to south. Heights of low hill ranges from 50 to 250 feet and height of high hills ranges from 500 to 1200 feet. The height of Chandranath is 1335 feet from sea area. Hills are mainly composed of sand stone and shell. Geologically these hills are part of Garo hill ranges and formed under Dhupitila series and Upper Middle Tipam series in the Quarternari Pleistocene period.

The Climate of Botanical Garden and Eco-Park is under wet sub-tropical climate. From June to September, heavy rainfall occurred. Only 4-5 months are dry season. From December to February in each year temperature goes to lowest. The mean-annual temperature is 26.6° Celsius. May is the hottest month and the mean temperature is 28.10° Celsius in May. The Scenic beauty becomes attractive and charming to the visitors in the fogging winter morning and evening. On the other hand, in dry season forest fire becomes a great threat to the park area.

The rainy season extends from May to September. Highest rainfall is recorded in July and average rainfall in July is 689.3mm. The park area is a high to moderate rainfall area.

The relative humidity is much higher except in January and February. In February, the mean relative humidity is low (67%) and in June-July the mean relative humidity is highest (85%). The park area remains foggy and wet especially in morning and afternoon throughout the year.

There are about 145 evergreen species of flora are available inside the Eco-Park. Garjan (Dipterocarpus turbinatus), Dharmara (Stereospermum personaturn), Dolua (Neohouzeana dullooa), Dewa (Artocarpus lakoocha), Holdu (Adina cordifolia), Gutgutia, Bashpata (Podocarpus nerifolia), Bohera (Terminalia belerica), Jarul, Polash (Butea monosperma), Dumur (Ficus recemosa), Shimul, Kanchan (Bauhinia purpurea), Chapalish, Bura, Hortoki (Terminalia chebula), Amloki (Phyllamthus embelica), and Haimonthis are the main species. rare variety of cicuses are available in this park.

A Central nursery has been established in the park area. This nursery raises seedlings of different indigenous and exotic species. it also raises rare and endangered indigenous species like Joytun, Nagalingam, bashpata, Tomal, Peduk, Kanchan, Tejpata and different exotic kinds of medicinal plants and bamboo and cane.

Orchid House:
An artistic Orchid House has established inside the Eco-Park. There are about 100 spp. of Orchids exists in the Orchid house, of which some are in flowering stage.

Display Map:
There has a mini Display Map in front of office building. Visitors can have a overall idea about the park area from that Display Map.

Chandranath Temple:
Chandranath Temple is a Holy place for the Hindu Community. During the time of “Doljatra” (Puja) and Purnima about millions of “Punnarthi” are gathered here from the different part of the country as well as from neighboring countries. There is a stare from the foothill to top hill (Temple). A tourist or a “Punnarthi” have to climb 1600 steps of stair to reach the main temple. There is also a car road from the park gate to the temple.

Sahachradhara and Suptodhara:
The combination of many small “Chara” in the Chandranath reserved forests has made waterfalls like Sahachradhara and Suptodhara. When visitors watch the natural water flow, then they become very sentimental. Likewise, when they watch southern part, then they will watch Sea and also sea girl Sandip. It is just like as sister sea is stand by with her brother hill in her heart.

Artificial Lake:
There is a scope to make a nice lake by erakting dam in the flow of Sahashradhara and Suptodhara. Water flow from Sahachradhara and Suptodhara will be made protection for making the artificial lake. In that lake visitors can enjoy boat riding and can observe the scenic beauty. They will see wildlife’s like, Monkey, Bears etc.

Picnic Corner:
In the northern part of Botanical Garden and Eco-Park, there are many hills suitable to make picnic corners. There have already some picnic corners in the hill tips with rest rooms, toilet and drinking water facilities. There have scope to make many others.

1 Block plantation of different species
2 Bamboo arboretum of different bamboo species.
3 Cane arboretum of different bamboo species.
4 Ornamental and flowering plantation
5 Ornamental live hedge with herb and shrub plantation
6 Rare species of Orchid/Cactus collection, preservation and maintenance
7 Hardwood species plantation
8 Food and fodder plantation for Birds and Animals
9 Rare species plantation
10 Medicinal plant plantation
11 Seasonal flower and Ornamental plantation around water fall and boundary line
12 Planting, preparation and maintenance of TOPIER

In 1926 National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam came to Shitakundu and visited natural lake and hill. He wrote a poem sitting on that lakeside hill which is as follows:

Akasha helan diea pahar gumai oie