Friday, October 9, 2009

Manpower management of Eco-Park

Manpower management of Eco-Park: According to existing Organogram of Bangladesh Forest Department, the provision of manpower under revenue head of Shitakundu Eco-Park, Ctg is 45 in different categories which is stated in the following.

1 Director/Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF)(1post):He/She is overall responsible for the mgt. of park.
2 Botanist/Research Officer(1post):He/She is responsible for monitoring, budgeting and evaluation of mgt. activities.
3 Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF)(1post):He/She is held responsible for park mgt specially related with conservation of forests.
4 Accountant(1post):He/She is responsible for the accounts of this division.
5 Range Officer (2posts):He is responsible for the implementation of year wise activities.
6 Office assistant (3posts):He/She is associated with general correspondences of office mgt.
7 Forester (3 posts):He is always attached with Range officer in field office
8 Forest Guard ( 3 posts):He is responsible for security of forests.
9 Plantation Mali (25posts):He is responsible for nursery development.
10 Night Guard (1post): At night he is held responsible for the security of the park area.
11 MLSS (2posts):He/She is the runner of general correspondence.
12 Sweeper (1 post):He/She is responsible for clean both office and field areas.
13 Driver (1 post): He is responsible for vehicle driving.

On the other hand in the development sector, total manpower of existing 2nd phase project is stated in the following.
1 Forest Guard ( 7 posts):He is responsible for security of forests.
2 Driver (1 post):He is responsible for vehicle driving.

1 comment:

  1. good. carry on.
