Monday, October 19, 2009

Year-wise revenue earning at Eco-Park

There is an approved circular from Bangladesh Govt. for collecting revenue from the visitors. This eco-park is open for all with payment for viewing the natural beauty of the Park. The Izarader who is nominated through the year wise open tender process collects this revenue. There is an official agreement with him. As per agreement, the Izarader is allowed to collect money from visitors and then he has to submit revenue to govt. through the installment process as per agreement. Govt. approved circular for visitors entering the park area is as follows:

1. For Adult Person entering fees: 10 Taka (above 15 years) (Per Person)
2. For Students (schools under 15 years) entering fees: 5 Taka (Per Person)
3. Study Tours Group (30-100) entering fees: 100 Taka
4. Study Tours Group (100 and above) entering fees: 200 Taka
5. Foreign Visitors entering fees: 5 US$

Govt. approved circular for Vehicles Parking fees are as follows:
1. For Bus parking fees: 150 Taka (per individual bus)
2. For Car/Jeep/Micro-bus parking fees: 100 Taka (per individual vehicle)
3. For Taxi/Tempu parking fees: 50 Taka (per individual vehicle)
4. For Motor cycle entering fees: 30 Taka (per individual vehicle)

Month and Fiscal year wise revenue collection which are stated in the following graph (Fig-2).

From 2002-03 to 2008-09 revenue collection is given for clerar understanding. In the graph it is ovserved that total revenue is 63,12,325 taka which is collected during the 8 fiscal years. The highest revenue collection is done in the month of January and that is 9,37,740 taka. On the other hand, second highest is in the month of June. So from the graphical representation it is clearly unstood that January is the pick time to visit this park. During the whole years visitors come to watch the natural secenerio of the Park. Comparatively percentage of visitors increases in the month from December to March in the whole year.


If we compare year wise revenue collection of the the Eco-Park, then 2008-09 fiscal year is the highest for earning revenue. Because of that in the Eco-Park, develppment activities are undertaken through the support of GOB projects. At the very begining, some structural works had been done for making the park lucreative to the visitors. As a result number of visitors are less in the begining fiscal years. But in coming fiscal years number of visitors will increase remarkably and then revenue will collect more and more.

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