Monday, November 9, 2009

Rose Garden of the Eco-Park

Status of Rose Garden in the Eco-Park
The existence of rose garden is very beautiful to look at. This garden is situated in the front left corner of the park. There are various kinds of rose, which gives the natural beauty to the park. The colors of these roses are in variety. Some are red; some are black and some other radish etc in color. List of various kinds of roses, which are planted inside the park area during last 10 years, are as follows:
1. Abol
2. Agrement
3. Americal heritage
4. Ariana
5. Atumn
6. Black prince
7. Black ruby
8. Bangkok
9. Christian dior
10 Damdy care
11. Die walt
12. Diorama
13. Double delight
14. Fulier
15. Garden party
16. Golden Shower
17. Golden wing
18. Green rose
19. Ice berge
20. Ice berge climber
21. Jhon F. Kenedy
22. Lal bahadur
23. Lemon scented
25. Mirandy
26. My love
27. Wendy cussion
28. Red gold
29. Tajmahal
30. Victoria

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