Sunday, December 20, 2009

Some Other Eco-tourism in forest management

12.Satchari National Park: The word “Satchari” refers to the seven streams that wind through this Protected Area. The natural beauty of this forest and its wildlife is very much enjoyable to the visitors by taking a stroll through any of the three designated hiking trails. This park is located in Chunaru Ghat Upazila under Hobiganj District. It is nearly 130 km northeast of Dhaka and approximately 60 km southwest of Srimongol city on the old Dhaka-Sylhet highway. The total area of this park is 243 hectares of land. This park is located within the larger 6,205 hectares of Raghundan Hills Reserve Forests. This park is established in 2005. It is a recent addition to the protected areas of Bangladesh. THe park is established to protect the patch of natural forest existing within its boundaries. In 2004, the Sanctuary was selected as one of the five pilot sites for co-management under the Forest Departments Nishorgo Program. The nature of this park area is tropical evergreen and semi-evergreen forests that covered the Sylhet division and ran down to the Chittagong Hill tracts. The identified species includes 24 mammals, 149 birds, 6 amphibians and 18 reptiles. The main attraction of this park is mammals include the Hoolock Gibbon, Capped langur, fishing Cat, Wild Boar and also Barking Deer.

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